Give up. Tajuk give up hari ni adalah give up dengan manusia. Ye, give up dengan manusia.
There is a time when we were tired of doing good at these people, we will give up on them.
Dan aku adalah salah seorang yang dah give up dengan certain orang ni.

 They were not bad on me, just their attitude that make me sick of it. The attitude they show to me when dealing with the people around. Antara nya :

  1. Bad temper. This seriously fucking bad, especially when you were acting like fucking cool when you are angry or making people scared of you. Yeah, i'm really scared of you until i feel what the fucking you've been possessed. You are not what i really know you. You were change so much since our childhood. 
  2. Bad mouth. Waaaa, i feel like want to cut your tongue until you cannot speak again. Memburukan orang lain atau melaga-lagakan orang lain. There is some cousin of mine like that. So, what i do when meet them, just ignore them. Acting like nice but inside, like errr. 
  3. Stingy. Kalau kedekut sikit sikit takpe. Ini dah lah kedekut, perasan bagus pulak tuh. Yes, my sister and her husband. Really piss me off. Baru je lagi aku give up ngan diorang. 
  4. Pilih kasih. Keluarga belah ayah aku nampak juga macam selalu pilih kasih antara keluarga. There is a bitter past in my childhood and i give up on them since then. When see other people with their grandparent, i feel like wah. But looking back at my grandparent or keluarga belah ayah, feel like, "Tangan di bahu mata ke atas". So, since sekolah menengah, aku dah jarang gila pergi rumah atuk walau pun rumah aku ngan rumah atuk, dalam satu kampung je. Waktu raya atau ada kenduri je pergi. Tu pun sebab adab je.
The people i really give up on, i rarely talk to them. It's like "soal sepatah jawab sepatah". Malas nak layan. 

Dan dalam aku bercakap tentang mereka, tak lupa juga aku bercakap tentang diri aku. Memang aku tak baik sangat. Tapi aku ada definisi sendiri tentang orang lain dan orang lain ada definisi mereka sendiri terhadap aku. So, what's the problem? It's my life. I try not to care. I'm tired already. 


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