Hi and good evening.

Everyone has their  own love life.

I dreamed of so many love story that I would like it to happen. But, life just isn't beautiful as we imagined. Thorns, disappointment, heart break and others.

When you enter the love life, you have to get ready for all. Love life isn't beautiful story, it just for a moment you feel it's worth it and the other moment you feel like why it happen, you questioning.

For me, once I really like someone, I do love a lot. I miss, I want the presence, the attention and everything about the person I love.

Back in years before, I'm not into love yet, but I do couple up with some people and playing around. Maybe karma hits me now. Putting me into those shoes. Now, I really understands. If you don't like then just said so. There is no definition of trying. Heart isn't the puppet that you can control. But it's like black wild horse who wander around where he likes.

For now, I do in love with someone and it's really stressing me out because even I don't want to miss that person but I can't help thinking about it every time. I do miss. I do miss. I do miss. It's ripping me out. For many years to come, I want to be with that person so much.

Help me. I don't want to think so much. I hate myself for this and I hate myself because I couldn't do anything about it. This time, I'm weaker. Maybe for you it isn't much. But for me, I really feel I want to disappear. I want to feel numb. I don't want feel anything.

I wish I don't have heart to love.

Maybe it's true. Sometimes, right people came on the wrong time.

Even so, as a human who goal for happiness, I want to cheer up and be happy of what I have.

Hopefully I can be happy.

I learned my lesson. I don't want ever repeat that again.

So heart, please keep calm and let's forget that person.

I also don't want it to happen. Maybe this is the biggest trial for myself.

Good luck for myself and you too who still fighting for you happiness.

I'm not really good story teller, but this is all I can share of my thoughts. Until we meet again readers.

Best Regards.


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