Worse Brother.

Worse brother. Who?
It's me.

I don't know how to describe it. But, I can't make my little brother to be generous, respecting older and other. I'm failing in educating them. I should be more resolute in order to teach them. I always feel that I am the who responsible in taking care of my brother. It is because we are close.

I'd try to advise him sometimes. But, they don't seem too afraid of me. I don't mean that they must afraid of me, but please, have some respect. Listen to your older. I hope, one day, you will be more generous and mature to know how others feel and not think about you feel only. Take care of others. That's what family is helping each other and respect each other.


  1. salam sahabat.
    being an eldest is very tough. yes, i mean it.
    Till now, I've been struggling looking and keep trying to advise my sisters of all over the thinga. for women stuff, like aurah, solah, attitude. it was very complcated.

    one thing you should know is, hidayah own by Allah and He is the one who deserve to judge. We cannot force them, rite? Similar to your situation, you wish them to respect you. Then, you must be the first to respect and keep patient with them. sabar je dulu. tegur dgn yg paling hikmah. hadiahkan sesuatu sbg permulaan. You know, it's work perfectly. I did it before. ALHAMDULILLAH. now, they always listen to what I'm saying. kdg2 je degil sikit. tapi tulah, kena sabar.

    good luck. You are a good big brother of them. Allah with you. (:

  2. kdg2 jiwa adik2 kita ni susah nk fhm...tujuan mereka nk manja2 tp kdg over dan buat kita rasa stress nk layan...:d apa yg pntg kita tabah dan slow talk dgn mereka..:D


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