Turning Back.

"If you could turn back time, would you make a same choice?"

We always heard this question. Maybe not everyday. But sometimes we heard it, right? Even, ourself must had asked this.

If you ask me, i will say, maybe and maybe not.

Maybe. Kadang-kadang apabila kita membuat pilihan dalam hidup, ada kala nya kita menyesal dengan apa yang kita pilih dan kecewa dengan apa yang kita lalui. Oleh sebab itu, jika diberi peluang untuk kembali kan masa lampau, kita mahu memperbetulkan nya.

Maybe not. Bukan senang nak lalui segala keperitan hidup tanpa mereka. Mereka sentiasa memberi sokongan. Bergelak ketawa bersama. Belejar bersama. Ada yang mengajar dan ada yang diajar. Mereka ibarat perasa dalam makanan. Even you miss a single thing, it doesn't taste the same.

Mereka adalah karakter dalam hidup saya.

Because we don't have time machine, i will try to forget the past and keep moving forward. That's the only thing i can do to survive and success.

Yup. There is no turning back. Just keep moving forward.


  1. Thanks for the pict.

    Friends are such good characters in our single life.

    Yet, you were actually right :D


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