Should I Give Up Or Should I Just Keep Chasing...

Assalamualaikum wahai reader-reader yang dihormati. Ade ke? Hehehe. Tak pe, terserah pada kalian semua. Hak membaca hak kalian! hehehe.

Mestikah aku mengalah dengan nafsu malas?
Mestikah aku mengalah dengan dugaan yang mendatang?
Mestikah aku mengalah dengan syaitan durjana?

Sudah tentunya tidak. So walau apa pun yang berlaku, jangan mengalah dan keep on in chasing your dream in what you want to be.

This video made me realise that i must go on with my dream, and strive for it. I found it when i watching Glee season 4. Actually i started like Glee in a few weeks ago. And i watch season 4 only. Hahaha. Never mind. Maybe someday i will look at season 1 until 3 to know their true story. Hehehe.

Okay, enough with this. See you later reader. Thanks for read my blog. Wait for the others. Anyeonggg!!!


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