That brother.

Assalamualaikum and salam sejahatera. Entry ini khas untuk one and only one brother of me. Picture of him, when he was a baby. That brother. Who give me the courage to take the next step in my life. The one who always protects me. From this cruel world. That brother. Who have no direction, no guardian and sometimes insane. Who have never been tired helping others . while no one wants to help him. That brother. Who stubborn. Because, he wants a chance to be a leader. To let everyone. That brother. Without realizing , he should be determined , make a goal in life. That brother. Who has a nice heart. Please, help him find a way in life. A way to Jannah . That brother. Who I hope for him, to be mature. To be able to differentiate between good and bad. That brother. who I love. One and only one in the world. May Allah bless you and simplified all matters . That brother. Don't forget to pray to Allah. When no one hears...